Female Humiliation: Trapped by Her Own Desires

A Story of Female Humiliation like NO Other

When it comes to the Milf humiliation fiction genre, I always feel that ‘the milf’ has to undergo a journey; an ordeal which takes her from one place to another. Usually a place infinitely darker. One she never could have imagined. It was with this in mind that I wrote ‘A Milf Ensnared. Karen’s journey is quite an extreme one on all levels. Physical, emotional, psychological and sexual. A journey, to be frank, I have often fantasised about taking myself. 



The words leapt from the screen. Almost in panic, Karen looked around the office checking for any approaching co-worker.

Good looking bastard, 22, very assertive, muscular physique, very fit. Long stayer, repeater, offers intimate services to mature women prepared to be grateful/appreciative. Call Karl on…’

She stared at the advert, her breath quickening. It was the stuff of fantasy. She checked again to see no-one was near and clicked on the image link. What popped onto her screen was an almost impossibly handsome young man dressed only in Speedos. Karen gazed, openly admiring the sharp jawline and high cheekbones. On either side of his smallish nose were two vivid pale blue eyes. His mouth was full and sensual looking with a slight downturn that somehow added to its appeal. But while his face was conventionally handsome, it was his body which drew her attention. He could have been a statue, long and lean and perfectly proportioned. Full six-pack but with none of the usual signs of over body-building. Her nipples took on a life of their own, stiffening inside her bra, pressing forwards, demanding attention.

The second pic brought a close-up cock. It was hard and upward-pointing with a big shiny knob at the end. A cock that looked muscular, like it had seen plenty of action. Karen was like a rabbit in headlights now, oblivious now to her surroundings. It just seemed so meaty.

God, it was perfect. Perfect.

Her tongue moved involuntarily in her mouth. She could almost taste it; some subconscious desire to possess it. Or have it possess her. Yes, that was it, possess her. Anyway it wanted. Anyway. She could almost feel it; invading her, pushing, insisting, stretching, not taking no for an answer. A cock like that would seize what it wanted, when it wanted. And how it wanted.

She was entranced.

What it must be like, she thought? What must it like to be that woman? The woman who would receive those attentions – tender and otherwise? That woman, whoever she be, was a woman to envy. She would, Karen was certain, be a woman unlike herself. Younger no doubt, and prettier. And confident. Certainly more confident. Bitch.

She herself, she knew, could never, realistically aspire to such a trophy. Cocks like that were meant for other women. Not for her. But it didn’t stop her looking.

Or wishing.

She toggled back and forth between the photos, matching the image of the cock with the overall man. Mentally fitting them together, visualising them in action. Visualising herself in action. She felt wet now and knew she would have to visit the toilet soon. She needed some urgent relief. Otherwise, her concentration for the day was shot.

Then she heard a voice and looked up. It was Mickey standing before her looking at her from the other side of her desk. She quickly closed the site. ‘Hi’, she said, conjuring up a smile to wipe the guilt that she felt must be showing on her face.

Mickey was the company’s head of IT. And he conformed to every one of the popular stereotypes. He was shorter than average, fatter than average by some distance, with a shock of brown hair that seemed to just have been placed at random on his head. His face was round and reddened by drink. He was in his late twenties and – as far as anyone knew – lived alone.

‘Hi’, he said. ‘Just checking you got my email yesterday about the revised access codes from next week. I haven’t had an acknowledgement.’

The company changed the codes once a month for security. Karen was never convinced it was necessary. After all, they were accountants, not nuclear scientists. ‘Yes’, she answered. ‘I thought I sent one as usual.’

The creep, she thought, just wanted an excuse to come in here and check out the scenery. He was so fucking transparent. She checked her sent box, but there was no sign of such an email. She was so sure. But no, she must have decided to do it and then got distracted. It happened. ‘No, sorry. I’ll do it now.’

Now fuck off back to the basement, you Igor, she thought.

She returned to her screen knowing that he would linger just that little bit too long. He did it to all the women on the floor. Right then, she knew he would be staring at her tits. She hoped her top was thick enough not to give her secret away.

She watched him prowl the room making sure he passed Olivia Coles who was displaying her habitual hint of cleavage and, of course, Fiona who was quite the prettiest girl on the office.


She swallowed hard. The visit had shaken her. As a senior partner, she had a corner station looking out across the office. Her screen could not be overlooked. But when she accessed that site, she liked no-one even close. She had been a little careless this time, but he couldn’t have seen anything.

Now…to that toilet…

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Female humiliation

Amazon Description:

Good looking bastard, 22, very assertive, muscular physique, very fit. Long stayer, repeater, offers intimate services to mature women prepared to be grateful/appreciative. Call Karl on…’

When forty-three-year-old Karen Matthews answers an advert on an obscure website on the Dark Web, she is seeking a little safe phone fun. It is her habit, her addiction. However, this time her frustrations get the better of her, and she goes a step further. She agrees to meet the mysterious Harry, a man who is nothing at all what he seems to be. Suddenly everything that she thought she knew about herself, her life and – most importantly – her future, changes.

For the better? Well, that depends on your point of view.

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